Creating a Twitter Account for Your FreshStore
This guide will show how you can set up a Twitter profile for your Fresh Store.
This is a great way to building backlinks and social signals from one of the top social media platforms.
Step 1. Go to and signup for your new account. Use a separate Twitter account for each Fresh Store unless your stores are in the same niche, then using one Twitter account is OK.
Log in to your Twitter account and start by uploading your profile image. If you need help creating a profile image, search for our guide on how you can create them fo Step 2- Next step is to edit your profile and upload a banner image and your website information. If you don't have the images to upload, you can still follow this step to set up your links and colors for the profile. Then later you can come back and upload the images.
Step 3- Now its time to post your first tweet. This can be a simple message with a link to you, and can be pinned to always show on top.
Your twitter account is now setup! You can see this example twitter account live at
Sharing your Fresh Store Instant RSS Product Feed to Twitter.
One thing you can quickly setup to fill in your twitter feed is posting your FSI products to your twitter account.
This will work with any RSS feed provider who will pull your RSS feeds and share on social media accounts.
In this guide I'm using the free plan DLVR offers for twitter and facebook.
Click here to see the detailed guide on setting up DLVR for your RSS Posting Feature.
The images below show me setting up the RSS feed to my twitter account using DLVR. Please see guide on setting up DLVR for more detailed instructions on using DLVR
Your RSS feed will be my first post I set it to post 10 items and then I switch it to post 1 item every 6 hours. You can play with different settings to see what works best for you. If you have low amount of products then posting a lot will post the same items, which I don't really mind. Twitter I mostly use for building links.
Here are images from the first 10 products posted using the free rss feed submitter using DLVR.
You can see the posts here but by now it might be replaced by new posts. All these link back to your Fresh Store Instant website and creates a backlink from Twitter. If people retweet your posts then its more backlinks from their profiles.
With my affiliate websites I mostly use twitter for building backlinks and following people who share and retweet my links. Usually in return you need to do the same for them. You can do this manually or find paid tools that do it for you. Over the years I have built a list of followers that I know retweet/share my tweets. So for my twitter accounts or clients accounts I usually follow the same accounts. I usually look for ebay, amazon, etsy and other sellers. They will want their links shared and tweeted and they will return the favor and share your links. Which means more backlinks from every tweet and retweet. This over long term will really help your website with social media exposure.
I will be working on building up followers for whenever I have some free time. The key is to make sure to login and retweet other peoples tweets that you see retweeting your posts. It might sound hard and complicated but its really easy to do, it just takes up time.
The images below show some examples of me retweeting other peoples tweets. I don't really pay attention to what I tweet, as long as its legal and some kind of product being sold on ebay, amazon, etsy or any other website for selling products. I will also retweet any memes that are funny. Doing all of this will get you more followers and people who will share your links.
All you need to do is really find one twitter follower and from there twitter will recommend other people and you can build your own list of people to follow. Only time will tell who will retweet your tweets after you retweet theirs.
Image below shows me retweeting a post from another twitter member. I'm not really spending too much time looking at the tweet, as long as it looks OK, I will retweet it and move to the next person. After a while you will see who retweets your stuff from your twitter notifications and those are the people you want to focus on when retweeting.
The tweet I retweeted now shows on my profile. The same happens when other twitter members retweet your posts, it adds a backlink to your website on their profile page and any other people who retweeted their post. Its really amazing what you can do with twitter but it does take some time to get all setup and running smoothly.